12 Steps Recovery Integration
A person suffering from alcoholism or drug addiction cannot recover alone. The richness of the relationships a person can find in recovery is part of the bedrock needed for lasting change. Each person we work with is encouraged to fully integrate into 12-step recovery and/or Faith-based recovery. We also understand the differing need of men and women in Faith-based or 12-step recovery and tailor our program around these specific needs.12-step recovery sponsors or Faith-based recovery mentor, and to fully complete the 12 steps after graduating our program is recommended for every member.
12 steps helpful links
If a client has a substance abuse diagnosis (versus dependence or “true” addiction), the indication for 12 step recovery involvement will be reviewed with the client and treatment team.
© 2025 The Recovery Center of Baton Rouge, LLC | 673 East Airport Avenue Baton Rouge, LA 70806 | 1-225-927-7475